
Types is used primarily to automate creation of article master data and to maximize data quality. The basic data for a new type include:

- Consumption unit.

- Price unit.

- Article number sequencing.

- Article properties including list of values.

- Article descriptions through formulas.



Actions shows functions for the module Types.

Folders: Types can be organized into folders in folder explorer view at the left side. Types can be moved simply by using drag and drop from one folder to another. 

A new folder is created by clicking the Add Folder icon and entering a folder name. The folder name can be edited at any time and can always be moved to another location in the tree, simply by using drag and drop. To move a folder, it must be marked, in which case an arrow symbol appears on it, as shown below where Tubes is marked. When dragging the folder, a straight yellow or blue arrow will appear, also shown below. If the folder is dropped on a yellow arrow, as shown to the left below, the folder is inserted as a subfolder. If the folder is dropped on a blue arrow, as shown to the right below, the folder is inserted at the same level.

Beskrivelse: http://webdav.siqnal.com/Inline/Doc/Types-filer/image002.png Beskrivelse: http://webdav.siqnal.com/Inline/Doc/Types-filer/image003.png


Delete folder: Folders can be removed by using the Delete Folder icon, if the folder is empty. If the folder is not empty all types in the folder must be deleted or moved by using drag and drop to another folder first.

Copy Type: A type can be copied by using the Copy Type function. All data are copied except list of values.


Type Description*: A mandatory unique description of the type that is shown in other modules.

Consumption Unit*: The consumption unit is selected from a drop-down list and must be selected based on the unit type that the articles are used on: bills of materials, project articles, etc. Consumption units are associated with the price unit and descriptions from the property column Property Alias to ensure the minimum set of properties available for formulas and calculations:

- pcs []

- m [Length]

- m2 [Thickness] & [Length] & [Width], optional is [Diameter] & [Diameter of Hole]

For the unit type m2, [Length] & [Width] must be used for square types and [Diameter] for round types. Both can have a hole entered as [Diameter of Hole].

Price Unit*: Price unit is also selected from a drop-down list and must be selected based on the unit type used for purchases. Price unit is associated with consumption units and descriptions from the column Property Alias to ensure the minimum set of properties available for formulas:

- pcs []

- m [Length]

- m2 [Thickness] & [Length] & [Width], optional is [Diameter] & [Diameter of Hole]

- kg [Weight per Unit]

Use Auto Article No: By checking Use Auto Article No, an automatic allocation of article numbers is used when articles are creating in the Article Templates module. Prefix for the numbering can be set in the Article No Pre Fix field and the numbering counter can be altered in the Sequence Count field.

Article Templates: Shows have many articles from Article Templates that exists of the type. A type can only be deleted when the column is zero.


Properties tab: It is important to get so much detail into the properties that each article will also be unique by the combined properties to ensure that articles are not mixed. Properties can be sorted by using the Up and Down buttons.

To create a property line, these fields have to be filled in:

- Property Text*: The mandatory property text that is shown in all modules that show properties. Can be written in the national language where the application is used. The drop-down list for the column is automatically built based on previous history.

- Property Alias: Is a list of system aliases used for calculations and formulas. Because Property Text is dynamic, it is necessary to identify the aliases of fixed types to ensure that Siqnal can automatically identify property values for calculations for weights and prices.

A weight calculation is done if the Weight per Unit alias is used in conjunction with a property. The combination of the consumption and price unit determines which unit is used for weight: kg/pcs, kg/m or kg/m2.

Table of Property Aliases:

Property Alias






Number Decimals








Diameter of Hole





















Weight per Unit

kg/pcs, kg/m, kg/m2













* = locked columns, which cannot be changed.

- Unit is automatically filled in for all Properties Aliases and cannot be changed. If a Property Alias is not selected, a full list of units from the module Unit is shown and the field is not mandatory.

 - Mandatory: Determines if the property is mandatory when creating new articles.

 - Obsolete: If a property is not to be used on new articles, the obsolete flag can be set.

 - Number: Set if the property value must be a number.

 - Static: Set if the property is a static property that must be used for all articles of this type - effectively a property that must be entered in the module Article Templates. Dynamic properties are entered in the article consuming modules like bill of materials, stock, etc. Not set is equal to a dynamic property.

- Example properties of a plate:


- Example properties from Article Templates that only shows static properties:


- Example BOM Lines consumption where static properties are shown and dynamic properties must be entered:


- Number Decimals: If the value is a number, the number of decimals used can be set here. Default is 0.


List Of Values tab: Each property can have a predefined list of values to use when creating articles. A list can be copied and pasted and sorted with the Up and Down buttons. 

Formulas tab: Formulas are used to generate descriptions and other system texts to make them consistent. A formula is made with mix of property names in square brackets [], that are replaced by actual values when creating an article, and fixed texts, as shown below.

Text that is entered inside curly brackets {} will be removed, if all values inside the curly brackets do not contain a value. In the example below, the formula Articles Description 1 include {L=[Length]}, where L= is then only shown, if the property Length has a value.

When changing formulas, an update of all existing data is offered on save.

 Example of the type Angle Bar:


Properties without a Length value:


Description 1 is shown without L=, as there is no value for Length:


Properties for Length value 6000,0:


Description 1 now shows L=, as Length has a value:


- Impact shows how many lines are affected by changes in formulas.

Related Files tab: On this tab it is possible to register files that are related to the Type. The files are saved into the system and are placed in the folder specified in the popup Client/Server Setup and with the Shared file path viewing below. Use append (+) bottom to add files. Up and Down are used to alter the order of files.

Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: Beskrivelse: http://webdav.siqnal.com/Inline/Doc/Inquiries-filer/image003.png


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